Our fees and turnaround time for any size project are competitive. Our rates depend on “word” basis , however , should any client wishes to have the fees on the page basis , we can satisfy their request. Our fees on page basis will be on the basis of a size “A4” page including not more than “250 words” for the Arabic and English languages and size “A4” page including not more than “200 words” for the other languages.
However , there are many factors to be considered in deciding our fees , including the following , as examples without being limited to :
Volume of work,
Nature of material,
Turnaround time,
Source & target languages.
Legalized or white-paper translation.
Urgent or ordinary order.
Notes :
Number of words will be calculated as per computer count.
All kinds of certificates will be considered as 250 words in minimum.
Just call us to provide you with our reasonable fees.